This list includes specific references that have been conducted with the FNPA tool. Downloads are available for some articles.
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If you have studies published with the FNPA please add the references here by clicking the link (or just email us).
Ihmels MA, Welk, GJ, Schaben J, et al. (2007). Rating the strength of physical activity and sedentary behavior factors in relation to adiposity in youth: An evidence analysis. J Am Diet Assoc.
Ihmels MA, Welk GJ, Eisenmann JC, Nusser SM. (2009). Development and preliminary validation of a Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) screening tool. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 6:14 (Version 1)
Ihmels MA, Welk GJ, Eisenmann JC, Nusser SM, Myers EF. (2009). Prediction of BMI change in young children with the family nutrition and physical activity (FNPA) screening tool. Ann Behav Med. 38(1): 60-68. (Version 1)
Yee KE, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA. (2011). Association between the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool and cardiovascular disease risk factors in 10-year old children. Int J Pediatr Obes. 6(3-4): 314-320. (Version 2)
Johnson R, Welk GJ, Saint-Maurice PF, Ihmels M. (2012). Parenting styles and home obesogenic environments. Int J Env Res Public Heal. 9:1411-1426. (Version 2)
James K, Matsangas P, Connelly C. (2013). Childhood Obesity Risk in Overweight Mothers-Support for Screening. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition. 5: 375-382. (Version 3)
James K, Matsangas P, Connelly C. (2014). Maternal Self-efficacy and Family Routines, ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition (Version 3)
Hand RK, Birnbaum AS, Carter BJ, Medrow L, Stern E, Brown K. (2014). The RD parent empowerment program creates measurable change in the behaviors of low-income families and children: An intervention description and evaluation. J Acad Nutr Diet. 114: 1923-1931. (Version 3)
Christison AL, Daley BM, Asche CV, Ren J, Aldag JC, Ariza AJ, Lowry KW. (2014). Pairing motivational interviewing with a nutrition and physical activity assessment and counseling tool in pediatric clinical practice: A pilot study. Child Obes. 10:432-441. (Version 3)
Gunter, K. B., Abi Nader, P., Klein, B. D., & John, D. H. (2014). Assessing family level behaviors for obesity prevention: development and preliminary validation of the family stage of change tool. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(3).
Tami, S. H., Reed, D. B., Trejos, E., Boylan, M., & Wang, S. (2015). Pilot study: Survey tools for assessing parenting styles and family contributors to the development of obesity in Arab children ages 6 to 12 years. Ethnicity & disease, 25(4), 463.
Tucker JM, Howard K, Guseman EH, Yee KE, Saturley H, Eisenmann JC. (2016). Association between the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool and obesity severity in youth referred to weight management. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. (Version 3)
Peyer KL, Welk G. (2017). Construct validity of an obesity risk screening tool in two age groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(4): 419. (Version 4)
Bailey-Davis L, Peyer KL, Fang Y, Kim JK, Welk GJ. (2017). Effects of enhanced school-based body mass index screening reports with parent education on report utility and parental intent to modify obesity risk factors. Childhood Obesity. 13(2): 164-171. (Version 2)
Williams JE, Helsel B, Griffi, SF, Liang J. (2017). Associations Between Parental BMI and the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment in a Community Sample. Journal of Community Health. 1-7. (Version 2)
Hauswirth, M., Huang, Y., Jordan, L., Clark, K., Tucker, J., & Mendez, J. (2017). Changes in Pediatric Adiposity and Obesity-Related Behaviors with Medical Student Mentorship and Fitkids 360 Detroit.
Park, S. H., Park, C. G., McCreary, L., & Norr, K. F. (2017). Cognitive Interviews for Validating the Family Nutrition Physical Activity Instrument for Korean-American Families With Young Children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 1-6. (Version 3)
Jackson, J. A., Smit, E., Branscum, A., Gunter, K., Harvey, M., Manore, M. M., & John, D. (2017). The Family Home Environment, Food Insecurity, and Body Mass Index in Rural Children. Health Education & Behavior, 1090198116684757. (Version 3)
Wood, A. D. (2017). Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care to Improve Lifestyle Choices for School Age Children. Dissertation
Sano, Y., Greder, K., & Mammen, S. (2017). Relationship between rural, low-income mothers’ health literacy and depressive symptoms in the family context. Medical Research Archives, 5(1).
Flórez, K. R., Richardson, A. S., Ghosh‐Dastidar, M. B., Beckman, R., Huang, C., Wagner, L., & Dubowitz, T. (2017). Improved parental dietary quality is associated with children's dietary intake through the home environment. Obesity science & practice, 3(1), 75-82.
Downey, J. C., & Gudmunson, C. G. (2017). Navigating an obesigenic environment: A phenomenological study of mothers’ health socialization of children. Journal of Family Issues, 38(7), 972-991.
Herbenick, S. K., James, K., Milton, J., & Cannon, D. (2018). Effects of family nutrition and physical activity screening for obesity risk in school‐age children. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 23(4), e12229.
Ingram, D. G., Irish, L. A., Tomayko, E. J., Prince, R. J., Cronin, K. A., Parker, T., ... & Adams, A. K. (2018). Overnight sleep duration and obesity in 2–5 year‐old American Indian children. Pediatric obesity, 13(7), 406-412.
Howard, K. A., Tucker, J., Orth, J., DeFrang, R., Hauser, K., & Wakefield, S. (2018). Evaluation of the ‘we Are for Children’ Primary Care Overweight/obesity Treatment Program in 2-5 Year Olds: Changes in Feeding Practices and Health Behaviors.
Flores-Peña, Y., He, M., Sosa, E. T., Avila-Alpirez, H., & Trejo-Ortiz, P. M. (2018). Study protocol: intervention in maternal perception of preschoolers’ weight among Mexican and Mexican-American mothers. BMC public health, 18(1), 1-7.
Bottino, C. J., Puente, G. C., Burrage, A., Tannis, C., Cheng, J. K., Epee-Bounya, A., & Cox, J. E. (2018). Primary care group visits for childhood obesity: Clinical program evaluation. Clinical pediatrics, 57(4), 442-450.
Al Yazeedi, B. (2018). Childhoob obesity and family influence on children's nutrition intake, physical activity patterns, and BMI z-scores in Oman. Dissertation
Gordon, D. R. (2018). Caregivers’ Perspectives on Family Participation in the Family Time Initiative Program: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Cultural Perceptions (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University). Dissertation
Herbenick, S., & Milton, M. S. N. (2018). The Weight of a Healthy Home: Early Screening for Childhood Obesity Risk. Dissertation
Bailey‐Davis, L., Kling, S. M., Wood, G. C., Cochran, W. J., Mowery, J. W., Savage, J. S., ... & Welk, G. J. (2019). Feasibility of enhancing well‐child visits with family nutrition and physical activity risk assessment on body mass index. Obesity science & practice, 5(3), 220-230.
Kracht, C. L., Sisson, S. B., Guseman, E. H., Hubbs-Tait, L., Arnold, S. H., Graef, J., & Knehans, A. (2019). Family Eating Behavior and Child Eating Patterns Differences Between Children With and Without Siblings. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 51(10), 1188-1193.
Adams, A. K., Tomayko, E. J., Cronin, K. A., Prince, R. J., Kim, K., Carmichael, L., & Parker, T. (2019). Predictors of overweight and obesity in American Indian families with young children. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 51(2), 190-198.
Hingle, M. D., Turner, T., Going, S., Ussery, C., Roe, D. J., Saboda, K., ... & Stump, C. (2019). Feasibility of a family-focused YMCA-based diabetes prevention program in youth: The EPIC Kids (Encourage, Practice, and Inspire Change) Study. Preventive medicine reports, 14, 100840.
Tucker, J. M., DeFrang, R., Orth, J., Wakefield, S., & Howard, K. (2019). Evaluation of a primary care weight management program in children Aged 2–5 years: Changes in feeding practices, health behaviors, and body mass index. Nutrients, 11(3), 498.
Sano, Y., Routh, B., & Lanigan, J. (2019). Food parenting practices in rural poverty context. Appetite, 135, 115-122.
Park, S. H., Park, C. G., Bahorski, J. S., & Cormier, E. (2019). Factors influencing obesity among preschoolers: multilevel approach. International nursing review, 66(3), 346-355.
Vartanian, C. (2019). The Maternal Factor: The Influence of Maternal Health and Behavior on Child and Family Health Practices. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dissertation
Wickel, E. E., Ali, L., Hawkins, H., & Hemming, E. (2019). Results of a referral-based weight management program targeted toward children aged 2 to 6 years with obesity or severe obesity. BMC pediatrics, 19(1), 1-8.
Carbert, N. S., Brussoni, M., Geller, J., & Mâsse, L. C. (2019). Moderating effects of family environment on overweight/obese adolescents’ dietary behaviours. Appetite, 134, 69-77.
Peyer, K.L., Bailey-Davis, L., & Welk, G., (2020). Development, Applications, and Refinement of the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) Child Obesity Prevention Screening. Health Promotion Practice, 1524839920922486. (Version 4)
Chiong, R., Gray, V. B., & Roy, R. N. (2020). Development of a Family‐Based Nutrition Program Rooted in Food Parenting Literature. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 49(1), 67-83.
Choo, J., Yang, H. M., Jae, S. Y., Kim, H. J., You, J., & Lee, J. (2020). Effects of the healthy children, healthy families, healthy communities program for obesity prevention among vulnerable children: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(8), 2895.
Borges Rodrigues, S., Parisod, H., Barros, L., & Salanterä, S. (2020). Two sides of the same well‐child visit: Analysis of nurses’ and families’ perspectives on empowerment in health counselling. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(12), 3448-3463.
Hoke, A. M., Poger, J. M., Lehman, E. B., & Kraschnewski, J. L. (2020). Feasibility of an Online, Interactive Body Mass Index Parental Notification Letter (e-BMI). The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840520930071.
Appelhans, B. M., French, S. A., Bradley, L. E., Lui, K., Janssen, I., & Richardson, D. (2020). CHECK: A randomized trial evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of home visitation in pediatric weight loss treatment. Contemporary clinical trials, 88, 105891.
Hernandez, J. C. (2020). Neighborhoods and Health Behaviors among Low-Income Mexican American Children (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University). Dissertation
Coto, J. (2020). Isolating Critical Components of a Pediatric Obesity Intervention: Does it Really Take a Village?. Dissertation
Essien, H. I. (2020). Weight Reduction Among Obese Adolescents Using Motivational Interviewing (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University). Dissertation
Ozdemir, S., Terzi, O., & Dundar, C. (2021). The family nutrition and physical activity (FNPA) screening tool: psychometric characteristics, reliability, and validity in the Turkish population. Journal of Public Health, 1-7.
Aguayo, L., Pineros-Leano, M., Alam, R. B., Aguirre-Pereyra, R., Schwingel, A., & Cunningham, S. A. (2021). Association of Family Nutrition and Physical Activity with Preschooler’s Working Memory: A Cross-Sectional Study among Mexican Children. Children, 8(6), 506.
Al Yazeedi, B., Berry, D. C., Crandell, J., & Waly, M. (2021). Family influence on children's nutrition and physical activity patterns in Oman. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 56, e42-e48.
Sfeir, E., Haddad, C., Akel, M., Hallit, S., & Obeid, S. (2021). Sleep disorders in a sample of Lebanese children: the role of parental mental health and child nutrition and activity. BMC pediatrics, 21(1), 1-9.
Williams, B. D., Whipps, J., Sisson, S. B., & Guseman, E. H. (2021). Associations between health‐related family environment and objective child sleep quality. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Hayes, J. F., Fowler, L. A., Balantekin, K. N., Rotman, S. A., Altman, M., & Wilfley, D. E. (2021). Child and family predictors of relative weight change in a low-income, school-based weight management intervention. Families, Systems, & Health.
Wilfley, D. E., Fowler, L. A., Hampl, S. E., Dreyer Gillette, M. L., Staiano, A. E., Graham, A. K., ... & MO-CORD Study Group. (2021). Implementation of a scalable family-based behavioral treatment for childhood obesity delivered through primary care clinics: Description of the Missouri Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration study protocol. Childhood Obesity, 17(Supplement 1), S-39.
Marrero, D. G., Blew, R. M., Palmer, K. N., James, K., Roe, D. J., & Hingle, M. D. (2021). Rationale and design of a type 2 diabetes prevention intervention for at-risk mothers and children at a Federally Qualified Healthcare Center: EPIC El Rio Families Study Protocol. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-9.
Jelalian, E., Evans, W., Darling, K. E., Seifer, R., Vivier, P., Goldberg, J., ... & Elwy, A. R. (2021). Protocol for the Rhode Island CORD 3.0 Study: Adapting, Testing, and Packaging the JOIN for ME Family-Based Childhood Obesity Program in Low-Income Communities. Childhood Obesity, 17(Supplement 1), S-11.
Berry, D. C., Rhodes, E. T., Hampl, S., Young, C. B., Cohen, G., Eneli, I., ... & Skelton, J. (2021). Stay in treatment: Predicting dropout from pediatric weight management study protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 100799.Helsel, B. C., Foster, R. N., Sherman, J., Steele, R., Ptomey, L. T., Montgomery, R., ... & Donnelly, J. E. (2022). The family nutrition and physical activity survey: comparisons with obesity and physical activity in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-7.
GUNER U, U. C., & İrem, B. İ. L. K. A. Y. (2022). The Relationship Between Nutrition-Physical Activity Behaviors of Autistic Children with Their Families and Children’s Obesity Levels During Covid Pandemic. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-9.
Fung, E. B., Goldberg, E. K., Bambot, S., Manzo, R., & Lal, A. (2022). Relationships among Physical Activity, Pain, and Bone Health in Youth and Adults with Thalassemia: An Observational Study. Thalassemia reports, 12(3), 90-100.
Hoke, A. M., Poger, J. M., Lehman, E. B., & Kraschnewski, J. L. (2022). Feasibility of an Online, Interactive Body Mass Index Parental Notification Letter (e-BMI). The Journal of School Nursing, 38(3), 259-269.
Fischer, L., Bodrick, N., Mackey, E. R., McClenny, A., Dazelle, W., McCarron, K., ... & Essel, K. (2022). Feasibility of a home-delivery produce prescription program to address food insecurity and diet quality in adults and children. Nutrients, 14(10), 2006.
Andino, J., Park-Mroch, J., Francis, S. L., O'Shea, A. M., Engebretsen, B., Rice, S., & Laroche, H. H. (2022). A randomized controlled trial of a community-based obesity intervention utilizing motivational interviewing and community resource mobilization for low-income families: Study protocol and baseline characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 112, 106626.
Laroche, H. H., Park-Mroch, J., O’Shea, A., Rice, S., Cintron, Y., & Engebretsen, B. (2022). Resource mobilization combined with motivational interviewing to promote healthy behaviors and healthy weight in low-income families: An intervention feasibility study. SAGE open medicine, 10, 20503121221102706.
Bailey-Davis, L., Moore, A. M., Poulsen, M. N., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Cummings, S., DeCriscio, L. R., ... & Savage, J. S. (2022). Comparing enhancements to well-child visits in the prevention of obesity: ENCIRCLE cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-13.
Tarcin, G., Güneş Kaya, D., Karakaş, H., & Evliyaoğlu, O. (2023). Familial Nutrition and Physical Activity Habits in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Clinical Practice and Research, 45(4), 347-352.
Kocaadam-Bozkurt, B., Sözlü, S., & Macit-Çelebi, M. S. (2023). Exploring the understanding of how parenting influences the children's nutritional status, physical activity, and BMI. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1096182.
KILIÇ, B. O., KILIÇ, S., Eylem, G. Ü. L., Abduljabar, A. D. I., DALATİ, S., SHAABAN, L., ... & KONUKSEVER, D. (2023). Relationship Between Obesogenic Family Environment, Children’s Smartphone Usage, and Depressive Symptoms. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 1-6.
Öztürk, G., & Kolcu, M. (2023). Are child and parent health behaviors associated with childhood obesity? A descriptive and methodological study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 72, 99-105.
Barlow, S. E., Yudkin, J., Nelson, V., & Allicock, M. A. (2023). Dynamo Kids!/¡ Niños Dinámicos! A Web Site for Pediatric Primary Care Providers to Offer Parents of Children 6− 12 Years Old With Overweight and Obesity: Web Site Development and Protocol for Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 37(1), 17-24.
Lal, J. C., Margai, L., Zitkovsky, H. S., Price, L. L., & González, S. (2023). Improving Health Behaviors and Weight Parameters With Motivational Interviewing and the TEEEN Program in an Ethnically and Socioeconomically Diverse Pediatric Population. American Journal of Medicine Open, 10, 100042.
Henning, J., Hoch, J., Kleis, R., Taylor, M., & Dlugonski, D. (2023). Parental Correlates of Self-Reported Physical Literacy Among Girls. In International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings (Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 266).
ŞİRAZ, M. F., & ERYILMAZ, A. Effectiveness of a Psycho-Education Program for Adolescents with Exogenous Obesity: Development and Pilot Study. Uluslararası Anadolu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(3), 658-670.
Ihmels MA, Welk GJ, Eisenmann JC, Nusser SM. (2009). Development and preliminary validation of a Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) screening tool. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 6:14 (Version 1)
Ihmels MA, Welk GJ, Eisenmann JC, Nusser SM, Myers EF. (2009). Prediction of BMI change in young children with the family nutrition and physical activity (FNPA) screening tool. Ann Behav Med. 38(1): 60-68. (Version 1)
Yee KE, Eisenmann JC, Carlson JJ, Pfeiffer KA. (2011). Association between the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool and cardiovascular disease risk factors in 10-year old children. Int J Pediatr Obes. 6(3-4): 314-320. (Version 2)
Johnson R, Welk GJ, Saint-Maurice PF, Ihmels M. (2012). Parenting styles and home obesogenic environments. Int J Env Res Public Heal. 9:1411-1426. (Version 2)
James K, Matsangas P, Connelly C. (2013). Childhood Obesity Risk in Overweight Mothers-Support for Screening. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition. 5: 375-382. (Version 3)
James K, Matsangas P, Connelly C. (2014). Maternal Self-efficacy and Family Routines, ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition (Version 3)
Hand RK, Birnbaum AS, Carter BJ, Medrow L, Stern E, Brown K. (2014). The RD parent empowerment program creates measurable change in the behaviors of low-income families and children: An intervention description and evaluation. J Acad Nutr Diet. 114: 1923-1931. (Version 3)
Christison AL, Daley BM, Asche CV, Ren J, Aldag JC, Ariza AJ, Lowry KW. (2014). Pairing motivational interviewing with a nutrition and physical activity assessment and counseling tool in pediatric clinical practice: A pilot study. Child Obes. 10:432-441. (Version 3)
Gunter, K. B., Abi Nader, P., Klein, B. D., & John, D. H. (2014). Assessing family level behaviors for obesity prevention: development and preliminary validation of the family stage of change tool. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(3).
Tami, S. H., Reed, D. B., Trejos, E., Boylan, M., & Wang, S. (2015). Pilot study: Survey tools for assessing parenting styles and family contributors to the development of obesity in Arab children ages 6 to 12 years. Ethnicity & disease, 25(4), 463.
Tucker JM, Howard K, Guseman EH, Yee KE, Saturley H, Eisenmann JC. (2016). Association between the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening Tool and obesity severity in youth referred to weight management. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. (Version 3)
Peyer KL, Welk G. (2017). Construct validity of an obesity risk screening tool in two age groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14(4): 419. (Version 4)
Bailey-Davis L, Peyer KL, Fang Y, Kim JK, Welk GJ. (2017). Effects of enhanced school-based body mass index screening reports with parent education on report utility and parental intent to modify obesity risk factors. Childhood Obesity. 13(2): 164-171. (Version 2)
Williams JE, Helsel B, Griffi, SF, Liang J. (2017). Associations Between Parental BMI and the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment in a Community Sample. Journal of Community Health. 1-7. (Version 2)
Hauswirth, M., Huang, Y., Jordan, L., Clark, K., Tucker, J., & Mendez, J. (2017). Changes in Pediatric Adiposity and Obesity-Related Behaviors with Medical Student Mentorship and Fitkids 360 Detroit.
Park, S. H., Park, C. G., McCreary, L., & Norr, K. F. (2017). Cognitive Interviews for Validating the Family Nutrition Physical Activity Instrument for Korean-American Families With Young Children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 1-6. (Version 3)
Jackson, J. A., Smit, E., Branscum, A., Gunter, K., Harvey, M., Manore, M. M., & John, D. (2017). The Family Home Environment, Food Insecurity, and Body Mass Index in Rural Children. Health Education & Behavior, 1090198116684757. (Version 3)
Wood, A. D. (2017). Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care to Improve Lifestyle Choices for School Age Children. Dissertation
Sano, Y., Greder, K., & Mammen, S. (2017). Relationship between rural, low-income mothers’ health literacy and depressive symptoms in the family context. Medical Research Archives, 5(1).
Flórez, K. R., Richardson, A. S., Ghosh‐Dastidar, M. B., Beckman, R., Huang, C., Wagner, L., & Dubowitz, T. (2017). Improved parental dietary quality is associated with children's dietary intake through the home environment. Obesity science & practice, 3(1), 75-82.
Downey, J. C., & Gudmunson, C. G. (2017). Navigating an obesigenic environment: A phenomenological study of mothers’ health socialization of children. Journal of Family Issues, 38(7), 972-991.
Herbenick, S. K., James, K., Milton, J., & Cannon, D. (2018). Effects of family nutrition and physical activity screening for obesity risk in school‐age children. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 23(4), e12229.
Ingram, D. G., Irish, L. A., Tomayko, E. J., Prince, R. J., Cronin, K. A., Parker, T., ... & Adams, A. K. (2018). Overnight sleep duration and obesity in 2–5 year‐old American Indian children. Pediatric obesity, 13(7), 406-412.
Howard, K. A., Tucker, J., Orth, J., DeFrang, R., Hauser, K., & Wakefield, S. (2018). Evaluation of the ‘we Are for Children’ Primary Care Overweight/obesity Treatment Program in 2-5 Year Olds: Changes in Feeding Practices and Health Behaviors.
Flores-Peña, Y., He, M., Sosa, E. T., Avila-Alpirez, H., & Trejo-Ortiz, P. M. (2018). Study protocol: intervention in maternal perception of preschoolers’ weight among Mexican and Mexican-American mothers. BMC public health, 18(1), 1-7.
Bottino, C. J., Puente, G. C., Burrage, A., Tannis, C., Cheng, J. K., Epee-Bounya, A., & Cox, J. E. (2018). Primary care group visits for childhood obesity: Clinical program evaluation. Clinical pediatrics, 57(4), 442-450.
Al Yazeedi, B. (2018). Childhoob obesity and family influence on children's nutrition intake, physical activity patterns, and BMI z-scores in Oman. Dissertation
Gordon, D. R. (2018). Caregivers’ Perspectives on Family Participation in the Family Time Initiative Program: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Cultural Perceptions (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University). Dissertation
Herbenick, S., & Milton, M. S. N. (2018). The Weight of a Healthy Home: Early Screening for Childhood Obesity Risk. Dissertation
Bailey‐Davis, L., Kling, S. M., Wood, G. C., Cochran, W. J., Mowery, J. W., Savage, J. S., ... & Welk, G. J. (2019). Feasibility of enhancing well‐child visits with family nutrition and physical activity risk assessment on body mass index. Obesity science & practice, 5(3), 220-230.
Kracht, C. L., Sisson, S. B., Guseman, E. H., Hubbs-Tait, L., Arnold, S. H., Graef, J., & Knehans, A. (2019). Family Eating Behavior and Child Eating Patterns Differences Between Children With and Without Siblings. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 51(10), 1188-1193.
Adams, A. K., Tomayko, E. J., Cronin, K. A., Prince, R. J., Kim, K., Carmichael, L., & Parker, T. (2019). Predictors of overweight and obesity in American Indian families with young children. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 51(2), 190-198.
Hingle, M. D., Turner, T., Going, S., Ussery, C., Roe, D. J., Saboda, K., ... & Stump, C. (2019). Feasibility of a family-focused YMCA-based diabetes prevention program in youth: The EPIC Kids (Encourage, Practice, and Inspire Change) Study. Preventive medicine reports, 14, 100840.
Tucker, J. M., DeFrang, R., Orth, J., Wakefield, S., & Howard, K. (2019). Evaluation of a primary care weight management program in children Aged 2–5 years: Changes in feeding practices, health behaviors, and body mass index. Nutrients, 11(3), 498.
Sano, Y., Routh, B., & Lanigan, J. (2019). Food parenting practices in rural poverty context. Appetite, 135, 115-122.
Park, S. H., Park, C. G., Bahorski, J. S., & Cormier, E. (2019). Factors influencing obesity among preschoolers: multilevel approach. International nursing review, 66(3), 346-355.
Vartanian, C. (2019). The Maternal Factor: The Influence of Maternal Health and Behavior on Child and Family Health Practices. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dissertation
Wickel, E. E., Ali, L., Hawkins, H., & Hemming, E. (2019). Results of a referral-based weight management program targeted toward children aged 2 to 6 years with obesity or severe obesity. BMC pediatrics, 19(1), 1-8.
Carbert, N. S., Brussoni, M., Geller, J., & Mâsse, L. C. (2019). Moderating effects of family environment on overweight/obese adolescents’ dietary behaviours. Appetite, 134, 69-77.
Peyer, K.L., Bailey-Davis, L., & Welk, G., (2020). Development, Applications, and Refinement of the Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) Child Obesity Prevention Screening. Health Promotion Practice, 1524839920922486. (Version 4)
Chiong, R., Gray, V. B., & Roy, R. N. (2020). Development of a Family‐Based Nutrition Program Rooted in Food Parenting Literature. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 49(1), 67-83.
Choo, J., Yang, H. M., Jae, S. Y., Kim, H. J., You, J., & Lee, J. (2020). Effects of the healthy children, healthy families, healthy communities program for obesity prevention among vulnerable children: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(8), 2895.
Borges Rodrigues, S., Parisod, H., Barros, L., & Salanterä, S. (2020). Two sides of the same well‐child visit: Analysis of nurses’ and families’ perspectives on empowerment in health counselling. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(12), 3448-3463.
Hoke, A. M., Poger, J. M., Lehman, E. B., & Kraschnewski, J. L. (2020). Feasibility of an Online, Interactive Body Mass Index Parental Notification Letter (e-BMI). The Journal of School Nursing, 1059840520930071.
Appelhans, B. M., French, S. A., Bradley, L. E., Lui, K., Janssen, I., & Richardson, D. (2020). CHECK: A randomized trial evaluating the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of home visitation in pediatric weight loss treatment. Contemporary clinical trials, 88, 105891.
Hernandez, J. C. (2020). Neighborhoods and Health Behaviors among Low-Income Mexican American Children (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University). Dissertation
Coto, J. (2020). Isolating Critical Components of a Pediatric Obesity Intervention: Does it Really Take a Village?. Dissertation
Essien, H. I. (2020). Weight Reduction Among Obese Adolescents Using Motivational Interviewing (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University). Dissertation
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